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Prayer Line
Daily 6 a.m. & 6 p.m. CST
Access Zoom Call Dial In:
Code: 113952#

Morning Manna
Every Friday
7:00 a.m. CST
Zoom Call ​
Dial in: 669-900-6833
Code: 500841061#

the Fellowship
Giving can always be done in person, at any meeting. However, for those that desire to give to any of The Living Gospel's International or Regional Fellowship Meeting or Mission through the app or by clicking on the link below. Make sure to select: The Living Gospel Church- Fellowship Account, and then choose the specific offering you would like to give, i.e. Expense, Free Will, or General.
Disclaimer: No conference/retreat can accept payments through the app. Please contact your local leader to give specific events, such as women's,brother's, or youth conferences
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